This shows the features that are being worked on in forthcoming releases as well as the status of known bugs.
Office hours
The office is in Sydney, Australia so be aware that it may not be populated while you are awake depending on where you live in the world. You can use the World Clock app on your phone to see the time in Sydney.
Support issues and other queries will generally be dealt with during the following times:
Monday 23rd September 2024 | 8am – 4pm |
Tuesday 24th September 2024 | 8am – 4pm |
Wednesday 25th September 2024 | closed |
Thursday 26th September 2024 | 8am – 4pm |
Friday 27th September 2024 | 8am – 4pm |
Saturday 28th September 2024 | closed |
Sunday 29th September 2024 | closed |
Monday 30th September 2024 | 8am – 4pm |
Known current bugs
Items in this colour have been completed and will appear in the next release.
- The scrolling can be jittery when the block replacement panel has a lot of content
- Very occasionally multiple songs within a particular release will start playing at the same time. The scenario in which it is triggered varies, but it’s usually associated with trying to either fast-forward or rewind by the 10 or 30 second buttons so affects the practice screen.
Next release changes
Items in this colour have been completed.
- to be determined during the week starting August 26th 2024
Ideas for future releases
This is a grab bag of requests and ideas, some half-baked and others a little more considered. They will be moved into future releases or discarded after further analysis. If you have any of your own ideas of what you’d like in the app please send them through.
- Allow the media uploader to accept ZIP files containing music, choreography, and video
- Have a global setting for the hips track to come after the back track in BODYBALANCE
- Separate the “double tracks” in BODYBALANCE so they can all be used as individual tracks
- Add support for video files
- When a user has the same choreography in more than one language display the one which matches the current device language settings.
- Options to allow users to use mobile data for specific types of media and at specific times
- Should email users when a login attempt is made, regardless of the result
- In the ‘add gym’ section make the message more obvious for them to stand in the gym and hit the button which adds the location coordinates. It’ll save me time hunting around in maps and search engines
- When adding multiple tracks and in trial mode do so in album and track order to prevent a user getting only parts of all releases
- Add ability for users to rate aspects of the music and choreography. Use that data to potentially generate automated playlists
- Allow people to assign their own options for ‘problematic’ content they wish to avoid (eg: the likes of Chris Brown or tracks with words not welcomed in places like YMCAs). Allow others to optionally see this.
- “It would be awesome if, sometime in the distant future, we could get the ability to add a note to a track and have it appear on the countdown timer when teaching a playlist. Just a small textbox would do the job.”
- Playlist class history to show the heart rate and calorie count if available in HealthKit
- Allow user to change their account email address
- PDF doesn’t display annotations. Should it be optionally able to show the marker pen highlights people have added?
- When adding a new block type to a playlist should be able to select the desired track immediately
- In the pause and replace block section put the current track/block details
- The ‘show owned’ status should also work when only the chorey exists. At the moment it requires at least one music file to be owned
- Add Touch ID and Face ID capabilities to the sign in
- “Speaking of building or tweaking playlists, it would be nice if when browsing releases and you find a track to use, if you could tap an add track to an existing playlist button, instead of coming out and going back in to the playlist to add the track.”
- Have the ability to speed up or slow down a track by a few percent
- Foreign language localisations of the app – German, Dutch and French (guessing from Switzerland & Canada) – are the sources of the most common non-English purchases.
- Add flags to Combat track 5 which have floor work so they can be optionally preferred (or not)
- Add in reports showing favourite tracks and most frequently (and never) played
- Generate automatic playlists for longest, shortest, and most / least for each rating. Also create that as a report for each country. Might create a section in each programme called ‘automatic mixes’ which is a single item leading to a panel listing all generated playlists. These are generated when first opened and modified on subsequent access. If there is more than one option (eg: best music for a ‘warmup’ track then select randomly each time)
- Instructor should be able to allow class to be shared. Others can then say they participated in it. That should have a ‘Classes I taught’ and ‘Classes I participated in’ section. That might include an option to flag up tracks which have been played at nearby gyms recently. Helps ensure you don’t pick what someone else has done
- Can use MusicKit to match against tracks played in class. Could use that to generate shared playlists attached to a class so that others can play the tracks from in the class using commercial services such as Spotify and Apple Music
- Add an overall rating value for each playlist to show at the top for each rating component. Rating values could show the overall rating on the inside circle and the user’s value on the outside
- “Is it possible to see ‘for example’ all the lunge tracks and play just them? I have to hear the song so would love to just put on all the lunges while driving to pick what I want for the play list”
- Add an option to allow the pre-class snippets time to be changed