Entries by Graham Nealon

Media uploads processing

When you add some of your media to the system it first needs to be processed. For music this is so the periods of silence at the beginning and end of tracks can be removed and to determine whether those tracks need to seamlessly blend into the following track. For booklets it is to map […]

Building the app – What I wish I’d done differently

Are there some bits I wish I’d done differently? It’s looking back with 20/20 vision on a software project – of course there are! The most obvious is that it doesn’t yet have all the latest bells and whistles Apple have added into their frameworks in the last couple of years. Things such as async […]

Future features

This is a list of the features that we’ll be looking to add in future. There’s no delivery time assigned to them because that can only be done after analysis and design to find out the true extent of development required. If there’s something that you’d like which isn’t shown here then drop us a […]

Music Licences

Or why you will see tags such as #ppca, #ppl, #ppca-free, #ppl-free, #stream in the app. Most countries have licensing systems in place that require a fee to be paid when music is played in a public space.  This includes cafes, bars, nightclubs, and gyms.  There are usually two payments – one for the actual playing of […]

Building the app – The New Version

A discussion of the first version of the app can be found here. This involved a lot of consideration of users and business aspects before I even started thinking about the design.  The first thought on deciding to create a new version was whether to upgrade the existing one or create a new product.  I decided on […]

Building the app – The First Version

The app you see on this site is a redesign of the original one. That initial version was written back in 2010 when I first decided I wanted to finally learn how to develop for iOS. That meant learning Objective-C at the same time. Which you soon discovered should be more accurately called [[[[[[Objective-C] the] one] […]